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Rotem Stark

Updated: Jul 13, 2024

Anxiety Therapy
Anxiety in young adults

Anxiety is a growing problem among all generations but it seems that Generation Z, composed of those born between 1997 and 2012, are experiencing their own unique set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges they are facing is coping with anxiety. Research has found that Gen Z is emerging as the most stressed cohort in the workplace. According to the American Psychology Association, 90% of Gen Z have experienced psychological or physical symptoms as a result of stress in the last year. In this article, we will explore the link between Gen Z and anxiety and discuss possible strategies that can be used to overcome this.

The rise of social media

Gen Z, often referred to as the ‘Digital Natives’, is the first true generation to grow up in the digital age. Although the internet and social media can have a positive impact on us and provide a wealth of information, excessive social media consumption has been linked with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Social media can create unrealistic expectations and leave room for one to compare themselves to others. It can also lead to poor social skills, lack of sleep, and a reduction in productivity. Research has found this generation to be the most disengaged group in the workplace.

The impact of Covid-19

The significant amount of stress that is experienced by this generation is not only limited to social media and technology. The outbreak of Covid-19 has further heightened their anxiety levels. The pandemic has affected every aspect of people’s lives, from disrupting our normal routines and social interactions to causing economic instability and other unique challenges. For those in university, having to learn in virtual environments leads to struggles transitioning into workplace conditions. It was reported that 51% of Gen Z employees said their education did not prepare them to enter the workforce. The isolation and social distancing measures led to an increase in loneliness and detachment among young people.

Pressures to succeed

Gen Z is also experiencing high rates of anxiety due to academic pressures. They are constantly being told that they need to excel academically and succeed in order to make a difference in the world. This immense pressure that they are facing to be involved in a lot of extracurricular activities, make early career decisions, and get a good job can be very overwhelming. 55% of Gen Z have said they feel pressure to gain professional experience in high school and 42% have said they feel this need to ‘be perfect’.

How to overcome anxiety

Some effective strategies that can be used include:

  1. Cutting back on caffeine:

Although caffeine provides this jolt of energy we all need to keep us going, high intake of caffeine is linked to anxiety. By cutting back, you're reducing the risk of being anxious and other symptoms related to it such as increased heart rate and feeling panicky.

  1. Limiting your social media use:

Reducing your time on social media can significantly improve the mental health of Gen Z. While these social media platforms can be valuable, they often increase your fear of missing out, and increase your feelings of inadequacy and isolation.

  1. Seeking professional help:

A mental health professional can provide the guidance and tools some young adults may need in order to better their well-being and develop the skills needed to build resilience.

While these challenges can be overwhelming, there are many tools and resources available to help Gen Z cope with their anxiety and thrive in this society. By understanding the impact social media, the pandemic, and different internal and external pressure has on this generation, we can implement strategies and find ways to possibly reduce these effects and improve their well-being.

For more information on anxiety and how we can personally help you navigate your issues, book a 15-minute consultation with Stark Wellness Clinic or contact us.

Until next time,

Rotem Stark, Mpsy, RP, Stark Wellness Clinic


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